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sw ep. ii easter eggs
these are slow in coming so help me out and send 'em in (and catch me on any mistakes)
1 anthony daniels appears in the pub unmasked!! he's a captain or summat, can't remember the whole story. ahmed best makes an appearance also.
2 as obi is holding on to the wee flying droid, he passes a "sebulba"- a dug who shouts "jedi poodoo." v funny, reminiscent of ep. i
3 the tunnel anakin flies through on his "shortcut" looks exactly like several used on the sw podracer game for pcs. o the memories...christmas...at jo's...for a week...racing pods...never again :)
4 there's a bust of count dooku in the jedi library. is it the one obi was looking at? dunno, can't remember, but it would be kind of ironic, no?
5 padme's hairstyle in the scene with jar-jar (where she says she's taking a leave of absence) looks suspiciously familiar to leia's in ep. iv
6 dex's diner is supposed be reminiscent to american graffiti/the 50's in general. can't remember if it's an exact replica or not. o yeah, confirm or deny, was dex in the jedi apprentice series at all?
7 is it just me or did the sabredart look like an x-wing? maybe it's just me...maybe i'm reaching here...
8 bail organa makes an appearance, albeit a short one (in the scene where padme is first in palpatine's audience chamber
9 one of the wee jedi is named liam!!! a liam neeson reference, of course
10 the imperial guard in red uniform appear...at first i thought it was a mistake, but georgie don't do that kind of think on accident...
11 okay, tfn just confirmed this one for me (i'm not mad after all!) when anakin and padme arrive on naboo, there are 3! millenium falcons in the sky (turns out georgie did this one himself :) bless!)
12 alright, here's one tfn thought worthy enough to be an easter egg- i had thought it too obvious originally...at any rate, while anakin is going on his little rampage with the tuskins, you can hear qui-gon speaking (i wish i could remember wot he says...i'll find out homies!!)
13 the obvious, loads of aurebesh for us to translate...once i get my dvd/vcr back, i'll work on translating a few for yous guys
more to come!! sorry if some of these are a little obvious for you guys, but i'm trying here
or, if you'd prefer, check the ones on theforce.net. am immensely jealous...maybe i shouldn't read them all so i can find and claim them myself ;) the ones about the wilhelm scream and the blue milk are immensely cool. :) also, there's this one, which is too sad not to quote directly:
Death of Me Line
You'll note a big laugh in the theater when Obi-Wan says to Anakin, "Why do I get this feeling that you'll be the death of me?" Why the reaction? Because that's exactly what happened in the original film (now Episode IV in the series) when Darth Vader defeated Obi-Wan in a lightsaber battle. (AZ Republic)
fan art
check out the fan-made posters for ep. iii, with speculative titles. hehehe, was gonna post my favs but just noticed that i wasn't supposed to- oops...i particularly liked the one that said "feel the force...one last time." so sad!! i could just cry thinking about it... no more movies...boohoo. we'll have to hogtie george lucas and force him to make 7, 8, and 9 (i wanna see jaina, jacen, and anakin!!!)
cool fanfic checky out this cool fanfic cliquez ici it's wicked, combines some classic sw with a little prequel.
wot georgie's doin' next
here's a quote from georgie:
"I'm going to go from complete success to complete failure," he told me, without a wink or a smile. On the contrary, Lucas said he anticipates utter rejection from his fans once Star Wars concludes. "I'm going to make a bunch of movies like THX," he said, referring to his earliest effort. "And if people don't like it, too bad."
quote found at theforce.net, where you can also find a link to the full article.
star wars links
starwars.com the official site
theforce.net v cool site. has all the info you could ever need, great fan art, and a v amusing humour section
chopped-off hands of star wars such a funny site **tear** there aren't words for how funny this site is...and it's so thorough!
omg!!!!!!!!!!!! the agony! the horror of it all!!!
this is painful to read...wot could georgie have been thinking?!!!? i hate nsuck! (wish they had gone ahead with that product line...i want an nsuck tee) o well, at least (supposedly) that twit justin bimbolake wasn't in it! by the whoo-way, this is taken from theforce.net
Lucasfilm Confirms 'NSYNC in Episode II Wed, Jan 02, 02 04:34:45 PM EST
Let the bloodletting begin. TFN was the first to report on this rumor on December 17th, now it is confirmed. MTV reports the following:
A few of the 'NSYNC guys will appear in "Star Wars - Episode II: Attack of the Clones," according to a spokesperson from Lucasfilm. The spokesperson didn't know specifically which members have cameos in the movie, which will be the fifth "Star Wars" release from creator George Lucas. The guys will be seen for a fleeting moment in a "big scene with lots of extras."
The roles materialized after the group members, who are all fans of the sci-fi saga, asked the new film's producer, Rick McCallum, for bit parts.
they also had this to say:
N'Sync Two Scene Wonder
Lucasfilm confirmed it. This is the one most are afraid of for sure.
Many are thinking that all of the N'Syncers are in the movie. Not true, so that may help lessen the pain. In fact, Justin is not in it. Surprised? There are only three of the five in the movie. A spy told us it is only Lance, Joey, and Chris. Don't as me why they know these names off the top of their head, they were embarrassed. That aside, know that they are Jedi in one scene and there was a brief second scene shot where they are in Naboo citizen garb.
You can definitely see them we are told.
star wars fun
Which Star Wars planet are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Tatooine! A dry, desolate desert world full of some of the worst scum of the universe... Enjoy your stay!
Star Wars: What colour lightsaber should you weild? brought to you by Quizilla
Which Star Wars Chick Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Which Lesser known Star Wars (Ep. II) Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
woohoo!! a jedi! surprise, surprise... :)
Which Star Wars Episode are you? brought to you by Quizilla woohoo!!! anh!!! yea!
what jedi are you? i'm the obi!! so i had to make my own link (of course)
Who's YOUR Star Wars Hottie? brought to you by Quizilla
yoda's a hottie hot hot!! sexy man, sexy man, eating like a sexy man can...the green tornado!
what episode one character are you? Obi-Wan Kenobi- You are quick to judge and you like to think ahead. You are confident you are always right. I hope your mentor wasn't stabbed in the chest. You probably wouldn't like people who turned out to be like Jar Jar or Darth Maul on this quiz.
once again, obi!! **smirks**
Which Star Wars Character is Your Soulmate? brought to you by Quizilla
haha luke! that's so funny, as for the longest time i had a crush on luke skywalker...not mark hamill, mind, luke skywalker. i know, i'm a geek, thanks guys.
which of the women in luke skywalker's life are you? i'm callista!!! woohoo!!! callista rox!! i named my flute after her :)
You are an over obsessive JA geek- theses books characters etc are an essential component of your life. Go you!
How Jedi Apprentice Obsessive Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
hehehe, yet still i haven't finished the series...was v obsessive. grrrr...
You are YOUNG OBI-WAN KENOBI. You like things by the book, and you're not afraid to let it show. You are a traditionalist who likes conformity and justice. Don't be fooled, though. You can easily handle yourself in a fight. Hey, who was it that took out the dark Sith knight with the double bladed lightsaber again? Yeah.
Which Jedi Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
oooo *squeals* too cool!! rockin'! young obi rox!
You're Yoda who seriosuly kicks ass!!! GO YODA!!
Which Jedi are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Congratu-fecking-lations, youre a jedi master! Now you can laugh in the face of all who doubted you!
Are You A Jedi Master? brought to you by Quizilla
omg, does that yoda disturb anyone elce?
You are Qui-Gon Jinn!
Which Jedi Knight are you? brought to you by Quizilla
hell yea!
You are Obi Wan Kenobi ! Not only are you my favorite jedi, but one of the only two to survive the jedi purge. You train Luke for about 20 minutes until his daddy kills you. Good Goin' !!
What Jedi are you ? (PT Version) brought to you by Quizilla
congratulations. you have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. confer on you, the level of a JEDI KNIGHT the council does.
sith or jedi? (star wars...) brought to you by Quizilla
awww, look at em